Allah love kindness

Allah love kindness

Allah loves us very much, and wants us to love each other.

Allah is kind, and He wants us to be kind to each other.

We should be kind to our parents. We should obey and respect them all the time.

We should be kind to our parents. We should obey and respect them all the time.
We should be kind to relatives, friends, and neighbors. We should respect them and help them whenever they need help.

parents neighbors
We should even be kind to animals and plants. We should not hurt animals, or destroy flowers and good plants.

There are many kinds of animals in the world. Allah created them all. We use some animals for food, Like chicken.

muslim with animals
Some animals are for riding, like horses. Some animals make good pets, like cats. They can be fun to play with!

duck with muslims
Allah is Al-Lateef اللطيف The Kind

Hadeeth Shareef

Narrated by Muslim.

عن شداد بن أوس رضي الله عنه قال رسول الله ﷺ. "إن الله كتب الإحسان على كل شيء"


"Inna-Allaha katab-al-Ihsana ala kulli Shay"."


Shaddad Ibn Aws reported that the Prophet ﷺ said: "Allah ordered that we be gentle with everything."

Let us read a story that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told us:


Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Once a man was walk ing down the road. The man got very thirsty and he came to a well. He went to the well and had a long drink. When he was leaving, he saw a dog who was tired and thirsty. The man remembered how thirsty he felt before he drank, and he knew that the dog must have felt the same way.

The man went down the well, filled his shoe with water and helped the dog drink. Allah forgave all of the man's sins, gave him many hasanat and rewards, and promised him Jannah.


Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told us another story about a woman who trapped a cat.

The woman did not give the cat food to eat. She did not let the cat go out to look for food.

The woman kept the cat inside until it died. Allah was very angry with the woman, and He promised she would go to Hellfire.

Hadeeth Shareef

Narrated By Bukhari

عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قال رسول الله ﷺ ان الله رفيق يحب الرفق في الأمر كله


"Inna-Allaha Rafeequn yuhibb-ur-rifqa fil-amri kullih."


Ai'sha (R) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said: "Allah is gentle. He loves kindness in every matter."

We should always be kind to people, animals, and plants, so we can go to Jannah too! Muslims should always be kind.

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