Searching for Allah

Searching for Allah

Ibraheem إبراهيم
This is a story about our beloved Prophet Ibraheem عليه السلام He was searching for God.

Let's see what happened.
was a young manIraq.

He was looking for God.

At night, he saw a shiningstar. It was the biggest andbrightest star in the sky.

He thought, "This must beGod."

Then the star went away!

Ibraheem Je knew thatGod would never go away.So Ibraheem 4e said,"The star is not God."

Then he saw! moon andsaid, "This is my God."

Then the moon disappeared.

Ibraheem Jile knew themoon was not God, becauseGod would never go away.

Ibraheem عليه السلام saw thesun in the morning, andsaid, "This is God."

But the evening, the sunset and went away, too.

Ibraheem عليه السلام knew thatthe sun could not be God.

Ibraheem asked Allah guide him.
Allah listened to Ibraheem.
Allah made Ibraheem a prophet.


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