Muhammad Becomes a Prophet

When did Muhammad become a Prophet?
🔹Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to go to a cave called Ghar Hiraa'. Ghar Hiraa' was in the top of a mountain called Jabal-un-Noor, or the Mountain of Light.
🔹He used to stay in Ghar Hiraa' for several nights.
🔹There he would think about the worldthe One who made it so beautiful.
Where did the Prophet receive the first ayaat of the Qur'an?
One night, when Muhammad was 40 yearsold, something strange and wonderful happened in Ghar Hiraa' during the month of Ramadan.

Muhammad was visited by
Angel Jibreel is the leader of all angels. Allah has created angels out of light. They are kind, gentle,strong, amthey have great faith. They obey Allah all the time. They do whatever Allah tells them to do.They love people. Angel Jibreel taught Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Al-Qur'an. He always told Muhammad ﷺ what Allah wanted him to do.
Angel Jibreel said to Muhammad, "READ." اقرأ
Muhammad ﷺ did not know how to read, and he said, "I can't read!
Angel Jibreel repeated, "READ!"
Muhammad ﷺ again said, "I can't read!"
Then Angel Jibreel recited the first ayaat (verses)Prophet Muhammad ﷺ heard of Al-Qur'an.
These were the first five ayaat of Surat-ul-'Alaq.
Muhammad ﷺ now became a nabiyy, or Prophet.
Allah chose him to teach people the religion of Islam.
Rasool is another word for prophet. It means messenger.
Rasoolullah means "messenger of Allah."
Muhammad ﷺ taught people the message, or book of Allah.
Muhammad ﷺ was very scared in the cave. He was alone
in the cave, and it was dark.This was the first time that he had seen an angel!
Muhammad ﷺ ran home to tell Khadeejah what had happened.
Khadeejah made him feel better.
She told him that Allah would take care of him because he was such a patient and nice person.
[1] Iqra' bismi rabbik-allathee khalaq
[2] Khalaq-al-insana min alaq[3] Iqra' warabbuk-al-akram
[4] Allathee allama bilqalam
[5] Allam-al-insana ma lam ya'lam
[1] Recite! (or read!) in the name of your Lord, Who created
[2] Created man, out of a clot of blood:
[3] Recite! And your Lord is the Most Generous,
[4] He taught (the use of) the pen,
[5] Taught man what he knew not.
Hadeeth Shareef
Narrated By Al-Bukhari
صلّى الله عليه وسلّم قال: «خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ القُرآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ»
"Khayrukum man ta'allam-al-Qur'ana wa allamah."
Othman Ibn Affan reported that the Prophet said:"The best among you is the one who learns the Qur'anand teaches it to others."