The Ninety Nine Names of Allah

The Ninety Nine Names of Allah

Allah has 99 names. Each name describes one feature of Allah. We cannot imagine what Allah is like.But He gave us these 99 clues sowe can understand something about Him. These 99 names describe the One and Only God,the Creator of this wonderful universe. Allah's names are known as Al-Asmaa'-ul-Husna. It is very important for Muslims to know these names and understand at heir meanings. Let's learn this important hadeeth:

Hadeeth Shareef

Abu Hurayrah narrated that rasoolullah said:
"Allah has ninety nine names; one hundred except one Whoever learns them by heart [and lives by them] will enter Paradise."
Reported in Al-Bukhari and Muslim

In the above hadeeth, rasoolullah ﷺ (The messenger of God)encourages Muslims to learn the great names of Allah. This means learning them by heart, understanding their great meanings and living by them.

Al-Aseeli, one of the great scholars of Islam, explains this hadeeth's meaning to us and makes the important point,"Learning the names of Allah means living by them, not just saying or memorizing them.

Calling on Allah by His Great Names

Learning and saying Allah's names is a form of thikr (remembering Allah). Thikr is very good for the heart.
Allah ﷻ says in the Qur'an:

الا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
"Indeed in remembering Allah, hearts find peace." [13:28]

It is also recommended that when we make dua'a (supplication), we call Allah by His great names. For example, if you want Allah to forgive you and be merciful with you, call him by His names, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem, Al-Ghaffar, Al-Ghafoor. If you want Allah to give you something in this life or in the next life, you call him by his names Al-Kareem, Al-Wahhab, Al-Mughni and other similar names. It is very easy to call Allah, and to have him listen to you:

قل ادعوا الله اووادعوا الرحمن
Say, "Call Him Allah, or call Him the Most Merciful; whatever name you use, to Him belong the most beautiful names" [17: 110]

His Names are His Attributes

The names of Allah describe theattributes of Allah. You will knowAllah better when you study Hisnames and learn their deep meanings. These attributes include the Generous, the Forgiving, thePatient, and the Most Gentle.Some of the words used todescribe the attributes of Allah arealso used to describe good human characteristics. However, the qualities of Allah's attributes are far higher and better than those of humans. For example, you may saythat Zaid is very generous, but,when you use the word generousto describe Zaid it is very differentfrom describing Allah as the Generous. Human generosity cannot be compared to that of Allah.Allah's generosity is at a level thatno human can describe or match.Allah says about Himself:

ليس كمثله شيئ
"Nothing is like Him." [42:11]

The same rule applies to all the other names and attributes of Allah .
Let's learn the meanings of some of the beautiful names of Allah and see how wecan live by them.

Learning Al-Asmaa'-ul-Husna

As you learned earlier, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encouraged us to learn about the names of Allah. Learning Al-Asmaa'-ulHusna helps us to understand Allah better, and to love Him more.

Allah الله


Allah is the proper name of God and means the One we worship. We must not worship anyone or anything other than Allah. A related name witha similar, although not identical, meaning is Al-Wahid (the Unified).

Did You Know?

In other semitic languages, The name for God (Allah) is only slightly different. In Hebrew, the language of Prophet Musaعليه السلام , or Mosesعليه الشلام , and the Jews,Allah is called Eloh or Elohim. In Aramaic, the language of Prophet Isa عليه السلام, orJesus, Allah is called Alaha.

Ar-Rahman, The Most Beneficent


Ar-Rahman is the One Who hasunlimited mercy for everyone in this world, and especially for the believers in the Hereafter.

Related Names

Ar-Ra'oof الرؤوف The Kind
Ar-Raheem الرحيم The Most Merciful
Al-Ghaffar الغفار The Ever-Forgiving
Al-Ghafoor الغفور The Forgiving

Al-Quddoos القدوس The Holy One


"Al-Quddoos" is the One Who ispure from any weakness or imperfection. All people, animals, and things have short comings and weaknesses, but Allah is perfect.No one is holy but Allah.

Related Names

Al-Jaleel الجليل The Glorious
Al-Majeed المجيد The Majestic

Al-Jabbar الجبار The Irresistible


"Al-Jabbar" is the One Who can force all others to submit to His power. Even kings, presidents,super heroes and powerful people cannot resist His power. They all fail to even challenge Him. Al Jabbar destroyed Pharaoh, Qaroon, the people of Aad, the people of Thamood, Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab and many other tyrants when they dared to challenge Him. However, Allah uses His power only to support good and destroy evil.

Related Names

Al-Muqtadir المقتدر The Prevailing
Al-Qahhar القهار The Conqueror
Al-Qawiyy القوي The Powerful
Al-Muntaqim المنتقم The Avenger

Al-Mutakabbir المتكبر The Majestic


Al-Mutakabbir is the One Who is much greater than all His creation.He is the One whose acts and power are greater and higher than those of anyone or anything else.

هو الله الملك القدوس
He is Allah, other than whom there is no god, the King, the HolyOne, the Source of Peace, the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Majestic: Gloryto Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.[59:23]

Related Names

Al-Kabeer الكبير The Greatest
Al-Atheem العظيم The Grand
Al-Azeez العزيز The Mighty
Al-Malik المالك The King
Al-Muta'al المتعال The Most High

Al-Khaliq الخالق The Creator

Al-Khaliq is the One Who brings every thing from non-existence into being. He is the only true Creator of people, animals, plants, planets, all things, and the whole universe. No person can create living or non living things from nothing; Al-Khaliq subhanahu wa-ta'ala didand continues to do it.

هو الله الخالق البارئ المصور
"He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Maker of forms. To Himbelong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the Heavens,praises Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. [59:24]

Related Names

Al-Badee' البديع The Awesome Inventor
Al-Bari الباري The Inventor
Al-Mubdi' اللمبدئ The Originator
Al-Muhyi المحيي The Giver of Life
Al-Musawwir المصوّر The Image Maker

Ar-Razzaq الرزاق The Ever Provider

Ar-Razzaq is the One Who always provides His creation with all its needs. He gives people their food, water and everything else. People, even our parents, cannot give us something if Allah objects. And no one can stop us from getting anything if Allah wants us to have it. Allah put enough food in this world to feed everyone. But many people don't have enough to eat because other people have a lot but don't share.

Related Names

Al-Wahhab الوهاب The Giver of Gifts
Al-Muqeet المقيت The Giver of Food

Al-Kareem الكريم The Most Generous

Allah is Al-Kareem because He is the Most Kind, Noble and Generous. He continually gives the most precious gifts. He gives us loving parents, good health, delicious foods, refreshing drinks, beautiful clothes, and many other physical gifts. He also gives us the gift of Islam and all the great spiritual benefits that come with it. Allah gives His precious gifts even to those who may not deserve them, like evil people and criminals. He gives them many chances to choose to be good.

وَإِن تَعُدُّوا نِعْمَةَ اللَّهِ لَا تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ )

Related Names

Al-Mughni المغني The Giver of Wealth
Al-Barr البر The Gracious Giver

Ar-Raqeeb الرقيب the Watchful

Allah is the Watchful because He can see and hear everything. He watches every activity in the whole universe at the same time. He is aware of all that we do; no matter where we are. Allah watches over us at all times to protect us from others and from ourselves as well. For example, sometimes Shaytan wants to tempt us to do wrong, but we remember that Allah is watching, so we stop. Other times, Allah may stop us when we try to do bad things. Sometimes, bad people may try to hurt us but Allah will not allow them to harm us.

Related Names

Al-Baseer البصير The All-Seeing
As-Samee' السميع The All-Hearing
Al-Aleem العليم The All-Knowing
Al-Khabeer الخبير The All-Aware
Ash-Shaheed الشهيد The Ever-Witnessing

Al-Waliyyالولي The Protecting Guardian

Allah is Al-Waliyy because He loves, assists, protects, guides, guards, blesses and rewards all faithful servants. He is more loving and near to us than our parents or any of our dearest friends and rel- atives.

اللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا يُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ )

Related Names

Al-Waali الوالي The Protective Ruler
Al-Hafeeth الحفيظ The Protector

As-Samee' السميع The All-Hearing

Allah hears, but not the way humans do. He hears the voices of humans, animals and insects. Heeven hears your heartbeat and your silent prayers. Even if billions of people talk at the same time,and billions of animals call at the same time, Allah will hear every single one of them clearly.

يا ايها الذين امنوا لا تقدموا بين يدي الله

Al-Hakeem الحكيم the Wise

Allah is the Wisest. He has knowledge of all seen and unseen activities in the universe. He is the only one who always makes the correct decision. And His decisions are always right.

تَنْزِيلُ الْكِتَابِ مِنَ اللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَكِيمِ ﴿۲

The Revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Power,One Full of Wisdom. [46:2]

Allah gives knowledge and wisdom to some people. Those whoare blessed with wisdom are granted great blessings. Listen to what Allah says:

يؤتي الحكمة من يشاء

Related Names

Al-Aleem العليم The All-Knowing
Al-Khabeer الكبير The All-Aware
An-Noor النور The Light

Al-Awwal & Al-Aakhir الأول والآخر The First & The Last

Allah is the first in everything.Al-Awwal also means the One whose existence is without a beginning. Everyone and everything in this world has a beginning and has an end, except Allah.

When everything ceases to exist,Allah remains. His creations may come to an end, but He stays forever. He is final and perfect inevery way.

هو الاول والآخر

Related Names

Al-Aliyy العلي The Highest
Al-Mubdi' المبدئ The Beginner of Creation
Al-Mu'eed المعيد The Renewer
Al-Muta'al المتعالي The Most High
Al-Baqi الباقي The Ever-Lasting

Al-Hadi الهادي The Giver of Guidance

Allah shows His servants the right way. He kindly guides them to their safe destinies. He sends prophets and messengers to guide man kind to the straight path with faith and knowledge. This guidance helps people to live happily in this life and win Paradise in the next life.

قل الله يهدي للحق

Say, "Allah guides to the truth." [10:35]

وَاللَّهُ يَقُولُ الْحَقَّ وَهُوَ يَهْدِي السَّبِيلَ

Allah tells (you) the truth, and He shows the (right) way. [33:4]

Related Names

Ar-Rasheed الرشيد The Guide to the Right Path
An-Noor النور The Light
Al-Fattah الفتاح The Inspirer
Al-Haqq الحق The Truth

Al-Adl العدل The Just

Al-Adl means the One Who always acts in a just and fair manner. Allah delivers absolute justice. His justice is based upon complete knowledge of past, present and future. Allah never oppresses anyone in this life or in the Hereafter.

ان الله لا يظلم

Truly, Allah does not deal with mankind unjustly; rather,mankind transgresses against their own souls. [10:44]

Related Names

Al-Hakam The Judge
Al-Muqsit The Fair

AL-Haleem الحليم The Tolerant

Al-Haleem is the One Who is infinitely tolerant and patient with His servants. He tolerates our mistakes and delays our punishments and gives us many chances.Though we may deserve punishment, He often forgives us out ofgreat love.

إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ حَلِيمٌ

Allah is truly most forgiving, most tolerant. [3:155]

Hadeeth Shareef

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله قال الأحنف بن قيس أن فيك خصلتين يحبهما الله :"العلم والأناة"
رواه مسلم والترمذي

Ibn Abbas, narrated that rasoolullah called upon Al-Ahnaf lbn Qays and told him:
"Allah loves two personal qualities in you; tolerance and patience.
Reported in Muslim and At-Tirmithin

Related Names

As-Saboor The Ever Patient
Al-Lateef The Gentle
Al-Afoww العفو The Pardoner

Importance of Knowing Allah's Names

  1. Knowing Allah's names is the best knowledge that a person can have. Think about it; is there any- thing more important than knowledge of Allah? No other knowledge can compare to it.

  2. One of the best ways to have knowledge of Allah is by understanding His most beautiful names. Knowing Allah makes a person love and appreciate Him more.

  3. Remember in the tawheed lesson that one of the categories of tawheed is called tawheed Al Asmaa' wal Sifaat. Learning Allah's names increases our level of faith.

  4. Allah created human beings and other creatures to know Him and worship Him. So, when a person learns about Allah, he or she is fulfilling his duty and obligation toward Allah.

  5. Knowledge of Allah's names is the basis of all other knowledge. Allah is Al-Aleem, Al-Hakeem, which means the All Knowing and All Wise. Any past knowledge or future knowledge waiting to be discovered is already known to Allah.

  6. Each of the 99 names of Allah represents a quality that Allah possesses. Some of these names represent qualities reserved for Allah alone (Al-Khaliq, Al- Tawwab, Ar-Rahman, Al-Quddoos and others). Other names represent qualities which are perfected in Allah, these include As-Saboor, Ar-Raheem, Al-Kareem. People can acquire such qualities, but not as perfectly. Indeed, there is no comparison between people's patience, mercy or generosity, and those of Allah. While no one can ever have as much patience, mercy, generosity, strength, or kindness as Allah, we should all strive to increase these qualities within ourselves.
  7. Read more:
