If the Woman gets her Menses before Tawaful-Ifadhah and she is not able to remain until she becomes pure

If the Woman gets her Menses before Tawaful-Ifadhah and she is not able to remain until she becomes pure

Question :

A woman gets her menses and she does not perform Tawaful-Ifadhah. She lives outside of the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia), and the time of departure from the Kingdom comes and she is not able to delay, and it is impossible for her to return to the Kingdom another time. So, what is the ruling?


If the matter is as has been mentioned that there is a woman who has not performed Tawaful-Ifadhah, and she got her menses, and she is not able to stay in Makkah or return to it if she travels before making Tawaf - in this case she may use one of two methods. Either she can use an injection that stops this bleeding and perform Tawaf or she can try to restrain the bleeding by using some restraining material that will prevent the flow of blood (on the floor) in the Masjid, and perform Tawaf due to necessity. This view that we have mentioned is the most correct view and it is the view chosen by Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah. The opposite of that leaves only one of two choices. Either she remains upon what was left of her Ihram by her being forbidden to her husband (for sex) and her not being able to get married if she is not already married, or she is considered restricted and thus she slaughters an animal and comes out of Ihram. In this last case, this Hajj is not counted for her. Both of these two matters are difficult. Therefore, the correct view is that which Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah chose for a situation like this due to necessity. Indeed Allâh said:
"Allah has not placed on you all in the religion any hard- ship."

And He said:
"Allah wants ease for you and He does not want difficulty."

If it is possible for the woman to travel and then return when she becomes pure, there is no sin on her to travel and return when she becomes pure. Then she performs Tawaf for the Hajj. During this time (until she returns for her Tawaf) she is forbidden to her husband (for sex), because she has not concluded the second phase of removing her Ihram.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 156- 157

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