6 Pillars of Faith

6 Pillars of Faith

Muslims believe in Arkan-ul-Iman. Arkan means pillars.Iman means faith which means to believe in Allah and the unseen world.

Let us learn the pillars of faith. Every Muslim must believe in Arkan-ul-Iman.

We Believe in Allah

🔹There is no god but Allah.
🔹He created us and everything in this world.
🔹He is the only One we should worship and pray to.
🔹He has the best names and attributes.
🔹No one is like Him.

We Believe in Angels,Al-Malai'kah

Angels obey Allah's command.
They protect us and write down our deeds.
They are created from light.They always obey Allah.
Jibreel, Mika'eel, Israfeel, Ridwan and Malikare names of great angels.

We Believe in the HolyBooks, Al-Kutub

The Holy Books are:
🔹 As-Suhuf: Given to Prophet Ibraheem
🔹 At-Tawrah: Given to Prophet Musa
🔹 Az-Zaboor: Given to Prophet Dawood
🔹 Al-Injeel: Given to Prophet Isa
🔹 Al-Qur'an: Given to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

We Believe in the Prophets& Messengers, Al-Anbiyaa'War-Rusul

Allah sent many Prophets, but only 25 are mentioned in Al-Qur'an. Prophets are the bestpeople that ever lived. We must believe in all the Prophets. We must love them and try to be like them. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the last Prophet. We love Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Prophets Adam, Nouh, Ibraheem, Musa, Dawood and Isa, (peace be upon them all).

We Believe in The Day ofJudgment, Yawm-ul-Qiyamah

🔹The Day of Judgement will come after everyhuman, plant and animal dies.
🔹The Earth and the universe will disappear.
🔹On the Day of Judgement, Allah will make usalive again all together.
🔹He will ask us about our deeds.
🔹Allah will decide who will go to Jannah (Paradise)and who will go to Jahannam (Hell-fire).

We Believe in Al-Qadar

🔹Al-Qadar is Allah's will.
🔹Allah knows everything that is going to happen.
🔹Nothing happens without Allah's permission.
🔹We have to accept everything that happens to us.
🔹If good things happen we thank Allah.
🔹If bad things happen we accept it and also praise Allah and say Al-Hamdulillah.
🔹We should trust in Allah no matter what happensto us.
🔹 We should also do our best to do what is right.

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