The Tawaf or the Voluntary Prayer

The Tawaf or the Voluntary Prayer

Question :

Is it better to perform Tawaf repeatedly or voluntary prayers?


In reference to which is better between them there is a difference of opinion, however, it is better to combine between the two matters. Thus, he should increase his prayers and performances of Tawaf so that he can combine both forms of good. Some of the scholars preferred the performance of Tawaf for those who are strangers (i.e., not residents of Makkah), because they do not have the Ka'bah in their lands. Therefore, it is recommended that they increase in the amount of Tawaf that they perform as long as they remain in Makkah. Some people preferred the prayer because it is better (in Makkah). I think that the best view between them is that the person increase in this and increase in that, even if he is a stranger (to Makkah), so that he does not miss the virtue of either one of them.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 198

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