The ruling on whoever performs 'Umrah during Ramadhan

The ruling on whoever performs 'Umrah during Ramadhan

Question :

Noble Shaykh, what do you think about someone who performed 'Umrah during the blessed month of Ramadhan and he intends to perform Hajj during the same year. Does he have to sacrifice a sheep, and what is the best of the various types of Hajj?


Whoever performed 'Umrah during Ramadhan, then he assumed Ihram for Hajj only (Hajjul-Ifrad) during that year, he does not have to sacrifice a sheep. This is because the sacrifice is only required for the person who performs 'Umrah with Hajj together. This is due to Allâh's Statement:

"So whoever combines 'Umrah with Hajj (i.e., as Hajjut- Tamattu' or Hajjul-Qiran), then he must slaughter a Hady (a sacrificial animal) such as he can afford."

The person who performs 'Umrah during Ramadhan, then he assumes Ihram for Hajj during its months, he is not called Mutamatti (one who combines 'Umrah with Hajj). The Mutamatti' is only the person who assumes Ihram for 'Umrah during the months of Hajj, which are Shawwal, Thul-Qa'dah and the first 10 days of Thul-Hijjah, then he assumes Ihram for Hajj for that year. It is also the person who combines Hajj and 'Umrah as Hajj Qiran (i.e., without removing Ihram between them). This is the Mutamatti' and he must sacrifice an animal (as a part of his Hajj rites).

It is better for whoever intends to perform Hajj to perform 'Umrah along with his Hajj, and to perform Tawaf and Sa'y for it, get his hair cut and then remove his Ihram. Then he assumes Ihram during that same year. It is better that his Ihram for Hajj be on the 8th day of Thul-Hijjah as the Prophet commanded his Companions to do during the Farewell Hajj.

The Mutamatti' must perform Tawaf and Sa'y for his Hajj just as he performed Tawaf and Sa'y for 'Umrah. The Sa'y he performed for 'Umrah does not suffice him for the Sa'y of Hajj according to most of the people of knowledge. This is what is correct due to what is proven by the authentic Hadiths from the Messenger of Allâh concerning this.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 94-95

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