The ruling on whoever has a wet Dream while he is in Ihram

The ruling on whoever has a wet Dream while he is in Ihram

Question :

When we wore Ihram on the 8th day (of Thul-Hijjah) and we spent the night in Mina, I had a wet dream. Therefore, I became confused, because if I had bathed, some hair would have fallen out of my head causing me to come out of my state of Ihram, and by this I will have committed two prohibited acts from the prohibitions of Ihram. However, had I performed Tayammum, I would not have committed a prohibition, but I preferred complete bathing to Tayammum. So, what is the ruling on this act of mine? Please give us a ruling, and may Allâh reward you.


Complete bathing is obligatory on whoever has a wet dream, and no prayer, Tawaf or recitation of Qur'an is correct (i.e., acceptable) before complete bathing. Therefore, the person performs complete bathing, even if he is in Ihram, and this does not harm him, even if some hairs fall out of his head while bathing. Verily, that which is prohibited is only the removal of hair intentionally by shaving or cutting or plucking it.

In reference to bathing due to a wet dream, that is obligatory and it is necessary to wash the head with it and run the fingers through the hair. However, the person should not exaggerate in rubbing. Rather, he should pour the water over his head while moving the hair with his hands until the water reaches his scalp. For verily, beneath each hair is sexual impurity. In reference to his coming out of Thram, meaning his removing his waist garment, this is not one of the prohibitions of Thram. Rather, it is permissible to remove the waist garment when there is a need or something that must be done.

It is also permissible to remove the waist garment when relieving oneself, and it is permissible to change the waist garment or upper garment and put on another one. Likewise, it is permissible to wash it if it becomes dirty and so forth. It has been confirmed that the Prophet used to bathe while he was in Ihram and so did the Companions. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 148-149

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