The Ruling on Sleeping in a State of Janabah before making Ghusl
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Sleeping in a State of Janabah before making Ghusl

Question :

I had sexual intercourse, and after it I slept; and it was said to me that it is an obligation upon one who has had sexual intercourse to make Wudhu' at least, if he wishes to sleep or eat, while others said that it is not obligatory, but it is preferred. Please deliver a verdict for me, and may Allah reward you.


It is a Sunnah for the one who is Junub to wash his private parts and perform Wudhu' before sleeping or eating or repeating sexual intercourse. It is not an obligation, although it is recommended before sleep, for it has been authentically reported from 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: "O Messenger of Allah! May anyone of us sleep when he is Junub?" He replied:

"Yes, if he made Wudhu'.»

Based upon this, there is no sin in sleeping before Ghusl, even if he did not make Wudhu', since it has been authentically reported from the Prophet that he sometimes used to sleep when he was Junub without performing Wudhu'. But it is disliked not to perform Wudhu' before sleeping, since Wudhu' lightens the Janabah; and if Ghusl is performed before sleeping, it is better. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 97-98

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 5