Is it permissible for a Traveller to combine his Prayers when He reaches Al-Madinah?

Is it permissible for a Traveller to combine his Prayers when He reaches Al-Madinah?

Question :

Is it permissible for a traveller, when he reaches Al- Madinah, and he is not a resident there - for example, his stay there is for treatment or some other thing, lasting two or three days to combine and shorten his prayers, or not?


If a traveller reaches Al-Madinah and he wishes to stay there for some purpose, then he returns, he is a traveller. A woman shortens her prayers, but does not combine them, although if she does so, there is no objection to it. The man performs his prayers in congregation and so he must complete them; but if he misses the congregational prayer, he should pray two Rak'ahs, whether the duration of the stay is long or short, even if he remained for a month, two months, five months or more so long as his stay is for a particular purpose, and when he has accomplished it, he returns to his country.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 438

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