The Ruling on One Who dons Socks without being in a State of Ritual purity, then prays in Them
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on One Who dons Socks without being in a State of Ritual purity, then prays in Them

Question :

I made ablution for Fajr, then prayed and I forgot to wear my socks. Then I slept after prayer, then I awoke for work and wore my socks while I was not in a state of ritual purity. Then when it came time to pray Zuhr, I made Wudhu' and wiped over my socks and prayed. I did the same thing at 'Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha' thinking that I had worn them in a state of purity, and I did not remember that I had not worn them in a state of purity until about two hours after 'Isha' prayer. What is the ruling on my prayers at those four times, are they correct or not, bearing in mind that I did not do this intentionally?


Whoever wore leather socks or socks (of any other material) without being in a state of Taharah, then wiped over them and prayed in them forgetfully, his prayer is invalid. He must repeat it; and he must repeat all of the prayers which he performed having wiped over his socks, because it is a condition of the correctness of wiping over them that they were worn in a state of Taharah, by agreement of all of the scholars. Whoever wore them without Taharah and wiped over them, the ruling on him is that of one who prayed without Taharah. The Prophet said:

"Prayer without Wudhu' is not accepted, nor is charity given by way of cheating or deception.

In the the Two Sahihs, from the Hadith of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that the Prophet said:

"Prayer is not accepted from any of you if he breaks wind, until he makes Wudhu'.

In the the Two Sahihs, on the authority of Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah, may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that he accompanied the Prophet on one of his journeys and he went to answer the call of nature, then returned and made ablution, and Al-Mughirah poured the water for him. Then when he wiped over his head, Al-Mughirah went to remove his leather socks, but the Prophet said:

"Leave them, for I put them in them while they were pure.

Then he wiped over them. And the Hadiths to this effect are numerous. Based upon this, you, O questioner, should know that you must repeat the four prayers - Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and 'Isha' and there is no sin upon you due to this, as Allah the Most Glorified, Most High said:

Our Lord! Punish is not if we forget or fall into error.And it has been authentically reported from the Prophet that Allah said:

"I have done so."

And this means that He, the Most Glorified has answered the supplication of His worshippers in not holding them accountable for their mistakes, or their forgetfulness - all praise and thanks be to Allah for this.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 98-99-100

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings