The Ruling on Indecent Magazines
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Indecent Magazines

Question :

What is the ruling regarding magazines that contain messages and pictures of women that go contrary to the Shari'ah? What about selling these magazines in bookstores? Is it permissible to purchase them? What about the profits that result from their sale? And what about writing articles for such magazines? Also, can we consider the Magazine "Sayidaty" to have the same ruling as that of the magazines described above?


The popularly reported Sunnah mentions the prohibition of pictures and the curse for the picture-makers. The picture-makers will be punished in Hell for every picture they make, and moreover, they will be punished most severely of all. The level of prohibition increases when the picture is a cause of temptation, such as that of a woman, or of a man that is shown to women. Thus magazines that publish pictures of women are, in reality, inviting others to fornication, to lewdness, and to other wicked acts. Everyone involved those who buy, sell, publish, distribute is a partner in the sin. Similarly, the Messenger of Allah considered everyone who is involved in alcohol to be a partner in the overall sin - the person who drinks it, the buyer, the seller, the person who produces it, the person who transports it from one place to another, the person who profits from its sale, and he cursed them all.

We must remember that the harm resulting from the sale of lewd magazines may be greater than the harm resulting from alcohol consumption, especially when the former calls to deviant ideas and practices. To answer your question, "Sayidaty" is well known as one of the most vulgar of magazines; it practically advertises licentiousness and fornication. Anyone who wants to save himself should stay away and avoid any participation in the business of these magazines. May Allah send peace and blessings upon Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 189-190

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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