The ruling on delaying Tawaful-Wada

The ruling on delaying Tawaful-Wada" because of the Crowd

Question :

We are residents of Jeddah and last year we came for Tawaful-Wada', which we delayed until the end of the month of Thul-Hijjah. Then, after the crowd lessened we returned (to Makkah to perform the Taraful-Wada'). Is our Hajj correct?


If the person performs Hajj and delays the Taraful-Wada" until another time, his Hajj is correct and he must perform Tawaful-Wada' when he leaves Makkah. If he is outside of Makkah, like the people of Jeddah and the people of At-Ta'if and Al-Madinah and others similar to them, he may not leave until he bids farewell to the House. This is by him performing a Tawaf of seven circuits only around the Ka'bah. There is no Sa'y in it, because the Tawaful-Wada' does not contain a Say, rather it is only a Tawaf.

So, if he leaves and does not perform farewell of the House, he must slaughter an animal according to the majority of the people of knowledge. It should be slaughtered in Makkah and be distributed among the poor and needy people of Makkah. His Hajj is correct, as we have mentioned before. This is the position that is held by the majority of the people of knowledge.

This means that the Tawaful-Wada is an obligatory rite according to the most correct view among the opinions of the people of knowledge. Indeed it has been confirmed from Ibn Abbas that he said, "Whoever leaves off a rite or forgets it, then let him shed blood (i.e., sacrifice an animal)." And this (Tawaful-Wada) is a rite that the person left off intentionally. Therefore, he must shed blood by sacrificing an animal in Makkah for the poor and needy people. The fact that he returned after that (to perform it) does not remove this obligation (of a sacrifice) from him. This is the preferred position and it is the most correct position with me. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 190-191

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