It is permissible for the Woman to perform the slaughter of the Adhha Animal for herself if there is a need for that

It is permissible for the Woman to perform the slaughter of the Adhha Animal for herself if there is a need for that

Question :

If the time for the sacrifice comes and there is no man in the household, is it permissible for the woman to slaughter the animal for the Adhha sacrifice?


Yes, it is permissible for the woman to perform the slaughter of the Adhha sacrifice or any other slaughter if there is a need for that, whenever the other conditions are fulfilled for the slaughter.

It is Sunnah during the slaughter of the Adhha to mention the name of whomever the slaughter is intended for, whether they are alive or dead. If this is not done, the intention is sufficient. If the name of someone other than the person for whom the sacrificial animal is meant for is mentioned mistakenly, there is no harm in that. For Allâh knows best the intentions. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 334

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