The Ruling on Celebrating the Night of Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj

The Ruling on Celebrating the Night of Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj

Question :

What is the ruling on celebrating the Night of Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj through utterances of remembrance?


Celebrating the Night of Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj, as some people do, on the twenty-seventh of Rajab is without any basis. The date of this night has not been preserved, indeed, the people have been made to forget it. It is not known if it was in Rajab. Even if it were known, and it was in Rajab, Sha'ban, Shawwal or any other month, it has not been prescribed for the people to celebrate it, because in doing so, they are attributing something to the Messenger, and the Messenger did not do this, nor did his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, therefore, we should emulate them and follow what they did and not innovate things which they did not innovate. The Prophet said:
"Whoever innovates in this matter of ours that which is not from it, will have it (his innovation) rejected.»

He also said:
"Whoever performed a deed which is not in conformity with this matter of ours will have it rejected.»

The first was narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim and the latter was narrated by Muslim in his Sahih and by Al-Bukhari in a Mu'allaq form, from the Hadith of 'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her.

In Sahih Muslim it is reported that the Prophet used to say in his sermon on Fridays:
As to what follows: Verily the best of speech is the Book of Allah, and the best guidance is that of Muhammad (), and the most evil of (religious) matters are the newly invented, and every innovation is a misguidance."

And in the Hadith of Al-'Irbadh bin Sariyah, may Allah be pleased with him:
"Beware newly invented matters, for every newly invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is a misguidance.

These authentic Hadiths clarify the prohibition of innovations, their danger and their evil consequences. This is for no other reason than that they are considered excesses in religion: This person innovates and that person innovates until our religion becomes a mass of peoples' innovations and additions. The Jews and Christians were put to trial by their innovations, so that they inserted them into their religion that which was not sanctioned by Allah, their religion became confused and the truth was mixed with falsehood. All of this was because of the innovations and novelties which they added to it. This community must therefore beware of what the Jews and Christians did and avoid imitating them in their holidays and everything else. And Allah is the Granter of Success.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 246-247-248

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