The Ruling on Trading with a Disbeliever

The Ruling on Trading with a Disbeliever

Question :

Is it right to trade and do business with a disbeliever when we know that they are disbelievers, especially since we are in need of the things which they manufacture?


There is no objection - if Allah wills to using what the disbelievers produce in case of need. As is the situation in these times; we do business with disbelieving nations, purchasing their manufactured goods and their products, such as cars, clothes, machines, tools, utensils and other things. This need forces us to make agreements with them over prices, methods of usage, essential descriptions, delivery of payment, receipt, dispatch of merchandise, and so on, as required by the purchaser. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 234-235

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