The ruling on burying the Deceased at Night
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The ruling on burying the Deceased at Night

Question :

If a person dies before midnight or after midnight, is it permissible to bury him at night or is it not permissible to bury him until after the coming of Fajr (i.e., the first crack of true dawn)?


It is permissible to bury the deceased at night. This is due to what Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, narrated. He said: "A man died whom the Prophet used to visit. He died at night so they buried him at night. When morning came they informed him (the Prophet) and he said:

'What prevented you all from informing me."

They said, 'It was nighttime and it was dark. So, we did not like to bother you.' So the Prophet went to his grave and prayed (the funeral prayer) over him." This was recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Thus, the Prophet did not object to their burying him at night. He only objected that his Companions did not inform him about it until morning. So, when they gave him an excuse, he accepted their excuse. Abu Dawud recorded from Jabir that he said: "Some people saw a fire in the graveyard, so they went to it and found the Messenger of Allâh there in the graveyard. He was saying:
'Give me your companion.

This was one who used to raise his voice with the remembrance of Allâh."

This occurred at night just as the statement of Jabir alludes to when he said: "Some people saw a fire in the graveyard..."

Also, the Prophet was buried at night. Imam Ahmad recorded from 'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, that she said: "We did not know of the burial of the Messenger of Allâh until we heard the sound of the shovels at the end of the night, and it was the night before Wednesday." The shovels are the tools that are used to remove the dirt.

Also, Abu Bakr, 'Uthman, 'A'ishah and Ibn Mas'ud were all buried at night. That which has been reported that alludes to the dislike of burial at night means that if the reason for hurriedly burying the person at night is because he is not one of the important people. Thus, they do not allow him to remain out until morning to allow the people to attend his funeral or they did not wrap his shroud nicely, so they hastily bury him. Therefore, he (the Prophet) rebuked them for that. It could also mean a clarification of what is best (i.e., that he be buried during the day) so that many of the Muslims may pray over him and it is easier for those who are going to attend his funeral procession. It also makes it more possible for his burial to be done nicely and the Sunnah to be followed in the manner of making his Lahd (niche in the grave). This is when there is no pressing need that requires hastening his burial. However, it is more mandatory to hasten his burial, even if it is at night. May Allâh send blessing and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 75-76

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 4