The ruling of whoever cut a Tree in the Haram

The ruling of whoever cut a Tree in the Haram (Sacred Area of Makkah)

Question :

What is obligatory upon whomever cuts a tree in the Haram and what are the boundaries of the Haram of Makkah?


Whoever cuts a large tree in the Haram of Makkah, he must slaughter a camel, and whoever cuts a small tree, he must slaughter a sheep. If he cuts grass, he must give its value (in charity). It is permissible to cut branches that extend onto the path and bother those who pass. It is also permissible to cut whatever is grown by humans. The sanctuary of Makkah has known boundaries. At their ends clear signs have been erected that are present on the roads, like the one that is between Muzdalifah and 'Arafat, and another that is on the road to Jeddah near Ash-Shumaysi, which is the place of Al-Hudai- biyyah, and others.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 260

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