The Mercy of the Prophet (SAW)

The Mercy of the Prophet (SAW)

I advise you and myself to have taqwa (consciousness of Allah) of Allah for there is no salvation on the Day Resurrection except through it.

Az-Zumar (39) 61: And Allah will deliver those who are conscious of Him to their places of success (Paradise). Evil shall touch them not, nor shall they grieve.

All praise is due to Allah. Allah is the Most Merciful:
Al An’aam (6) 12: He has decreed upon Himself mercy. He will surely assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt.

Allah’s Mercy to His servants is great and His favor upon them is immense. And His Mercy is complete and does not have any deficiencies. And it is not driven by inability or weakness. It is the Mercy of the Most Merciful the Most Beneficent that encompasses everything with mercy and knowledge.

And the greatest mercy on this Ummah (nation) from the Lord is that he designated for them the Prophet of mercy. Through His Mercy, He honored this final Ummah (nation) with the best of His creation and sent to them the seal of the Messengers. The Prophet ﷺ was the most merciful of the prophets to his ummah (nation). He ﷺ was the most compassionate, vigilant, pardoning and forgiving of the Prophets to his ummah (nation).

And through the Prophet ﷺ, Allah took people out of the darkness into the light. And He the Exalted sent down all kinds of mercies through him. Such that the people of the earth are compassionate through it until the Day of Resurrection. Allah said:
Al-Anbiyaa (21) 107: And We have not sent you, [O Muḥammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.

His ﷺ message revealed from His Lord the Exalted showered all kinds of mercies upon the creation. The people and the jinn. The believer and the disbeliever. The righteous and the wicked. The young and the old. The strong and the weak. The near and the far. Men and women. The birds and animals. Animals and inanimate objects.

And he ﷺ came with a shariah (legislation) all of which is good and mercy for the people. And there is no one on earth from the time that he ﷺ was sent to our present day until the Day of Resurrection except that will be touched by this mercy that Allah the Most High made reach all the worlds. Therefore, it was narrated in an authentic Hadith that the Prophet said:
Oh people, indeed I am a gifted mercy. [Silsila al- Hadith al-Sahiha (al-Albani), 490]

And those with preference and the greatest share of this mercy are those who believe in him ﷺ , honor him, support him, and follow the light (the Quran) which has been sent down with him. It is they who will be successful. Their success will be in this world and the next. And just as it is indicated in the Quran that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is a mercy to the worlds it is also mentioned in the Quran that he ﷺ is a mercy to the believers in verse 61 of surah At-Tawbah:
At-Tawbah (9) 61: (He ﷺ) believes in Allah and believes the believers and [is] a mercy to those who believe among you.

And from his ﷺ mercy for those who believe in him and embraced his ﷺreligion is that he ﷺ supplicated for them much. Especially if one considers the state of other prophets with their ummahs (nation). His mercy for his ﷺ ummah (nation) overtook him and he supplicated for them. As related by AbdAllah bin Amr bin ‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with them):
The Prophet ﷺ recited the Words of Allah, the Exalted, and the Glorious, about Ibrahim ﷺ who said: “O my Rubb! They have led astray many among mankind. But whosoever follows me, he verily, is of me”. (14:36) and those of ‘Isa (Jesus) ﷺ who said: “If You punish them, indeed they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, verily, You, only You, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise”. (5:118). Then he ﷺ raised up his hands and said, “O Allah! My Ummah (nation), my Ummah (nation),” and wept; Allah, the Exalted, said: “O Jibril (Gabriel)! Go to Muhammad ﷺ – and your Lord is most knowledgeable- and ask him: ‘What makes you weep?” So Jibril came to him and asked him (the reason of his weeping) and the Messenger of Allah informed him what he had said (though Allah is most knowledgeable). Upon this Allah said: “Jibril, go to Muhammad ﷺ and say: ‘Verily, We will please you with regards to your Ummah (nation) and will never displease you”. [Muslim 202]

The mercy of the Prophet for his ummah (nation) was to an extent that he preferred them over himself in the answered supplication that Allah gave him as He the Exalted gave other prophets before him. He did not limit this supplication to himself and he included his ummah (nation). As Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet ﷺ said:
Every prophet had a supplication that was granted by Allah. I dedicated my granted supplication to having intercession for my ummah (nation) on the Day of resurrection. [Bukhari 6304 and Muslim 198 ( quoted)]

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
Every Prophet had a supplication that was granted, and every Prophet advanced their supplication (in this world). But I reserved my supplication as intercession for my ummah (nation) on the Day of Resurrection, and it will reach, if Allah wills, those of them who die, not associating anything with Allah. [Muslim 199]

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and how great his mercy was for us and how cautious he was over us. Can the believers in him ﷺ be blamed for loving, honoring and supporting him when he ﷺpreferred them over himself and designated them for his supplication in a situation of all situations !? By Allah, no one can blame them for that aside for a disbeliever or a hypocrite who is hiding his disbelief or an ignorant person that does not know the virtue of the Messenger ﷺ.

Allah said:
At-Tawbah (9) 128: There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you [i.e., your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful.

Oh Muslims:
From the mercy of the Prophet ﷺ to his ummah is that he selected for them a complete and easy to follow shariah (legislation). And the most precise and attainable decrees. And Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) described him and she is the closest of people to him:
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was never given a choice between two matters but that he chose the easier of the two as long as it did not involve sin. If it was sinful, he was the furthest person from it. [Bukhari 6126 and Muslim 2327]

He ﷺ used to leave a deed that he wanted to do and was able to handle as a mercy for his ummah (nation) fearing that it would be obligated and the majority of them would not be able to handle it. And whoever views his sunnah can see that. And how many times did he ﷺ say: If it was not a hardship for my ummah (nation) I would have commanded them with such and such or if it were not a hardship for the people I would have commanded them with this.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said:
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ would give up a deed that he liked to perform, fearing that the people would follow suit and it would be obligated upon them. [Bukhari 1128 and Muslim 718]

May Allah the Exalted reward him ﷺ for his ummah (nation) with the best reward that a Prophet was given for his ummah (nation). And we ask Allah the Exalted to grant him ﷺ the intercession and favor, and the high eminent level, and raise him to the honored station that Allah promised him. May Allah make us among those who love and support him ﷺ. And we ask Allah to resurrect us in his ﷺ group and that we enter paradise with him ﷺ . Indeed Allah is the All Hearing, Answering.


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