Invoking the Prophet, calling upon Him and seeking Help from Him after His Death are all Forms of Major Shirk

Invoking the Prophet, calling upon Him and seeking Help from Him after His Death are all Forms of Major Shirk

Question :

Is calling upon the Prophet or invoking him in times of need and seeking his help from calamities and misfortunes, from near - I mean, from his grave - or far, an ugly Shirk, or not?


Invoking the Prophet, calling upon him and seeking his help after his death in times of need and in search of relief from hardships is major Shirk, which removes a person from the fold of Islam, whether it is done near his grave or far from it, such as saying: "O Messenger of Allah! Cure me." Or: "return my lost property." etc.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 278-279

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