The Blood that corrupts the Fast

The Blood that corrupts the Fast

Question :

What is the general rule concerning the blood that comes out of the body that corrupts the fast and how does it corrupt the fast?


The blood that corrupts the fast is the blood that comes out by cupping. This is due to the Prophet's statement:
"The person who performs cupping and the person who gets cupped both break their fast."

An analogy is made between cupping and whatever has the same meaning from what a person does by his choice and thus a lot of blood comes out of him causing weakness in the body. Verily, this corrupts the fast just like cupping, because the Islamic law does not separate between two similar things just like it does not combine two different things. In reference to what comes out of the person unintentionally, like a nosebleed and a wound to the body by knife while one is cutting meat or the person stepping on glass or anything similar to that, this does not corrupt the fast. It makes no difference if a lot of blood comes from him and likewise if a small amount of blood comes out. This does not have the same effect as cupping. Like the blood that is taken for a blood test, this also does not corrupt the fast.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 272-273

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