He broke his Fast based upon the Radio Announcer's Announcement

He broke his Fast based upon the Radio Announcer's Announcement

Question :

During one of the days of Ramadhan, the radio broadcast announcer announced that the Athan of Maghrib would be after two minutes. Then, at the same moment, the prayer caller of the neighborhood called the Athan. So, which one should be followed?


If the caller to prayer calls the Athan based upon looking at the sun and he is trustworthy, then we follow the caller to prayer. This is because he calls the Athan based upon the perceived occurrence, which is his seeing the sunset. However, if he calls the Athan based upon a clock and he does not see the sun, then it seems that the announcement of the announcer is more probably correct. This is because the clocks differ and following the announcer is better and safer.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 257

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