Supporters of the belief in the evolution are opposed to islamic belief
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Supporters of the belief in the evolution are opposed to islamic belief

We find the theory of evolution nowadays in every place, in our Moroccan colleges and even in non- specialist books and magazines. It is as if this theory were an undisputed fact. I am a student in the College of Science, Biology Section and we learnt in the subject of comparative anatomy that species descend from earlier species.

I want to know the Qur'anic Verses and noble Hadiths and likewise your opinions regarding this matter so that my heart may be reassured.

The theory of evolution is, without doubt, one of the beliefs of the Dahris and their followers, like the adherents of extreme philosophies, and At-Taba'i'is. It is a dangerous belief, the result of supposition and conjecture, without any proof. Likewise, they claim that the world has existed since infinity, and they reject belief in the beginning of creation and the Return (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), and they reject belief in the gathering of mankind (on that Day). And there is no doubt that this is clear Kufr, since they belie what Allah, the Most High and His Noble Messengers (may peace be upon all of them) have told us. As for the beliefs of the Muslims, they believe that Allah created everything, as He has declared in His Book. This includes all of the creatures on land and in the sea; they believe that Allah, the Most High created them thus (i.e. in their present form) and made them signs of His Omnipotence and His complete Lordship. Allah, the Most High says:

And He makes the earth alive therewith after its death and the (living) creatures of all kinds that He scatters therein.

That is, He knows where they are located and when they will die. And He, the Most High says:

There is not a living creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with two wings, but are communities like you.[1]

And He, the Most Hig,
And He has set on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with you. And He has scattered therein animals of all kinds.

Allah, the Most High has informed us that He created these creatures from water, as in His Words:
Allah has created every living creature from water. Of them are some that crawl on their bellies, some that walk on two legs and some that walk on four.

These are some examples, but there are some that have six legs or more than that. Since all were created by Allah, the Most High, He has created them different, their sustenance and sizes, great and small - He made this for all of them. Then He guided every created thing to all that it needs for a complete life and the survival of its species. They reproduce and grow and care for their young and recognize the provisions meant for them. All of this is without learning, it comes from the innate nature which Allah has given them. He has made mankind guardians over them, for they were created for man's benefit, so that he may reflect and ponder over the favor his Lord has conferred upon him, such as his intellect and perception.
Who made everything He has created good, and He began the creation of man from clay.

Therefore it is incumbent upon us to accept that we are Allah's creatures and (under) His dominion, and that He created everything in the universe for us that we may benefit from it and reflect. And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 359-360-362-362

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings