The Wahhabite Call is that of the Salaf and there is no Truth to these Calumnies
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Wahhabite Call is that of the Salaf and there is no Truth to these Calumnies

Question :

Is the story which is circulated concerning the followers of Muhammad bin 'Abdul-Wahhab, which claims that when they conquered the Arabian Peninsula and reached Madinah, they tied up their horses in Ar-Rawdhah which is in the Messenger's Mosque, true?


This story has no basis in fact, rather it is a lie and a perversion of the truth. What is known about them is that when they conquered Madinah, they spread the call of the Salaf and expounded the truth of Tawhid with which Allah sent His Prophet, Muhammad and the rest of the Messengers and the rejection of the major Shirk practised by many of the people. These included seeking succor from the Messengers (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of them) and seeking help and succor from the Companions and Ahlul- Bait and other righteous inhabitants of Al-Baqi' Cemetery, such as seeking help from Hamzah, may Allah be pleased with him, the uncle of the Prophet and other martyrs of Uhud.

This is what is known about them, in addition to their teaching the people the true Islam and forbidding the innovations and superstitions which were widespread in Hijaz at that time. Whoever claims other than this, such as their having shown contempt for the noble grave (of the Prophet) or Ar-Rawdhah, or claims that they were lacking in respect towards the Prophet or any of the Companions or any other righteous people is guilty of lies and calumnies, misrepresenting the facts and distortion of the truth. History books testify for them to what we have said and reveal the lies of the slanderers.

May Allah bless you and I with understanding of His religion and constancy therein until we meet Him, the Most Glorified, and may He keep us and you away from error, He is the Granter of that and Most Able to do it. We ask Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful to forgive them and all of rest of the Muslim scholars and those who call to guidance and that He make us and you among those who faithfully follow them, and that He show us all the truth and bless us by making us adhere to it and show us the error of that which is false and bless us by making us avoid it, He is the Granter of that and Most Able to do it.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 328-329

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings