Supplication in Prayer
الفئة: islamic articles

Supplication in Prayer

Question :

Is it permissible for the worshipper to supplicate in his obligatory prayers, for example, after performing the pillars, saying after his words: "Subhana Rabbi Al-A'la" (Glorified be my Lord, the Most High) such things as: "Allahummaghfir lee warhamnee" (O Allah! Forgive me and show mercy to me) and the like? I request that you inform me of what is the beneficial and salutations be to you.


It is lawful for the believer to supplicate in his prayers in the place of supplication, whether the prayer be obligatory or non-obligatory. The place of supplication in prayer is in prostration, between the prostrations and before the Taslim, as it has been authentically reported from the Prophet that he used to supplicate between the prostrations, seeking forgiveness, and it has also been. authentically reported from him that he used to say between prostrations:

Allahummaghfir lee warhamnee wahdinee wajburnee warzuqnee wa 'aafinee.

O Allah! Forgive me, show mercy to me, guide me, strengthen me, sustain me and pardon me). And he said:

"As for the bowing, extol your Lord therein; and as for the prostration, use your Ijtihad therein (i.e. supplicate in your own words) that it may be worthy to be answered for you.

It was also narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet said:
The servant is closest to his Lord when he is prostrating so supplicate much.

In the the Two Sahihs, it is reported on the authority of 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him, that when the Prophet taught him the Tashahhud, he said:
"Then let him choose from the matter whatever he wishes.And in another version:
"Then let him choose whatever supplication pleases him and supplicate.

The Hadiths carrying this meaning are numerous and they prove that it is lawful to supplicate in these places with whatever supplication the Muslim likes, whether it be related to the Hereafter or with what is beneficial to him in the life of this world, on condition that there is nothing sinful in his supplication, nor mention of severing family ties. And it is better to supplicate much with what has been reported from the Prophet.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 183-184-185

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الفئة: islamic articles