Zakat in islam ( Charity in islam)

Zakat in islam

Zakat is one of the pillar of Islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, because the Prophet Muhammad: "Islam is built on five things: testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying the zakat, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House of he has the means", the term zakat in Arabic is derived from the word "Zacchaeus," which means prosperity, purity and blessing. It is called zakat because it increases according to the Islamic belief in the money taken out of it, protect it and pests, as Ibn Taymiyah said: The same Motassadeq Tzko, and his wealth Azko, cleanses and increases in meaning. As conventionally defined is the section dedicated to the poor and needy from the funds of the rich, which is the third pillar of Islam.

Preferred Zakat

The wisdom of Zakat cleansing souls from miserliness, one of the highest degree of social solidarity, which would lead to convergence of the community and which is to worship Tcaflhm financial, which is also reason to Neil mercy of God, the Qur'an said: (and My mercy encompasses all evidences for those who fear Him and pay the Zakat)

Al-custom: 156, and the requirement for entitlement may God assist him, said the Koran: (Inasrn God of victory that God is Strong, Almighty, who establish them in the land, establish regular prayers and regular charity)

Al-Hajj: 40-41, and the requirement for the brotherhood of religion, the Qur'an said: (But if they repent and establish regular prayers and regular charity, your brethren in religion)

Al-Tawbah: 11, which is a characteristic of the insured community, said the Koran: (believers and believers and some parents of some of the enjoin right and forbid evil and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger, those Sarahmhm Allah is Mighty, Wise)

Al-Tawbah: 71 , one of the qualities of Ammar houses of God, the Qur'an said: (but The mosques of Allah who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and he came to set up prayer and Zakat and fear none but Allah)

Al-Tawbah: 18, Recipe of the attributes of the believers who will inherit Paradise, said the Qur'an: (And who are going to do Zakat)

Al-believers: 4.Year and showed the status of Zakat was narrated from Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: (ordered to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and establish prayer and pay zakat.) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim , and Jarir bin Abdullah said: (I pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God for establishing prayer, paying the zakat, and advice to every Muslim) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said (Islam is built on five things: testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying the zakat, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage to the House for those who can afford the .) Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

A significant share of money imposed by God for the worthy, who he called in the Qur'an, or is the amount of money in ad hoc ad hoc for the specific range, called the word Zakat on the same share of the money Referred director. And Zakat may be called in the language of the Quran and Sunnah as a charity mentioned in the Holy : (Take from their wealth charity behalf. arrived and sanctify them in your prayers for themsmile.png Al-Tawbah: 103 In the authentic Hadith the Messenger of Allah said Maaz bin Jabal when sent him to Yemen: (let them to the testimony that there is no god but Allah, and I am the Messenger of God, they Otaauk so Voalmanm that God has enjoined upon them five prayers in every day and night, and if they Otaauk so Voalmanm that Allah has enjoined on them charity in their money taken from their rich and given to their poor. Bukhari.

Terms of Zakat

Islam, do not respond to non-Muslims.
King of the quorum, it is not able to answer.
One year has passed (past year), and strabismus depends which month the Arab and not syphilis, except by the earth Vzakath answer when there is intense love and the appearance of fruit ripening.

Provisions of the Zakat

Zakat is obligatory in the following types:

Livestock (camels, cattle, sheep and some scientists enjoined in horses as well).

Produced by the earth such as grain, fruits, crops Almguetath case selection.
Gold, silver, metal, ore and Raj Rusbandma them in paper handling as the currency, jewelry (scholars differed in that it is obligatory).

Funds trade, but not obligatory Zakat in the tools of production such as buildings, machinery, vehicles, equipment and land that is not the purpose sold and traded.

Not answer before reaching a quorum, and only one year has passed in the metal, it must be purified immediately after the dust from the ore and they must be immediately reached the quorum.

The quorum is the designated amount of money that is not obligatory Zakat in less than a quorum and the value varies depending on the type of money.

Quorum of Zakat and as much as the output

Is due on the first quorum of five camels and sheep out by the old year (torso Sheep).

First Quorum of cow 30 and it comes out male or female cow from her two years.

First Quorum of paper currency is equivalent to (85) grams of almost pure gold, and varies the value of the currency, and the percentage of Zakat wealth cash 2.5% annually in accordance with the Islamic New Year.

Varieties of Zakaah

Zakaah eight varieties confined to the words of the Koran "but charity to the poor, the needy and those employed and those whose hearts and in the necks and debtors and in the way of Allah and the wayfarer an obligation from Allah and Allah is Knowing, Wise" Al Tawbah MA 60 are:

The poor: and the poor is not enough to find.
Poor: the poor and barely enough to find and may not fill the need.

The workers: They are based on the workers regarding the Zakat as Zakat in Islam requires a complete system of integrated based on the application and has a full-time, and then passed a street wise for these workers should Aagroa them any alms.

Made up their hearts: They are those who want Islam to Istmihm, or at least stop the annoyance of Muslims.

In the necks: They are slaves and slave Almkatebon who agreed with any of Imlkounam to be freed match a certain amount of Zakat fasts it is permissible for them to become free.

Debtors: and Algarm is the one who takes the accumulated debt of Zakat Mavi religion.

In the way of Allah: They are invaders and volunteers does not mean that every act of charity, do not include the work of the Association or the General does not fold and therefore may not be cashed in their activities and expenditures.

The fatwa otherwise wrong obscene denied work out for violating the ..of the Qur'an and sayings of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and the consensus of the imams mujtahids and their words.

Ibn Hubayrah Hanbali consensus on this point mentioned in the disclosure Fletnnbh Malik said in the blog (2/59): "not sufficient for him to give of zakaah dead in a shroud because it is a charity for the poor and needy and called God and not to the dead or for the construction of mosques, "uh.
I'm the way: and the wayfarer is a traveler who may have run out of money in a place other than his own Majkovah be given to return to his country.

Zakat and all family of the Prophet

Charity (zakat) do not solve the family of the Prophet Muhammad; There were so many conversations in which the Prophet narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh that the Prophet had come for food, if asked about it, the gift was said to eat them if charity did not eat them [4]. The Prophet said to his uncle Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib: ((I am the family of Muhammad does not solve our charity; it is a dirt people)).

And from Abu Hurayrah said: The al-Hasan ibn Ali Tamra from charity making them pass in the Messenger of Allah said: ((Kkh Kkh, toss it, but I learned I do not eat charity?)) Agreed

In the novel: ((I do not solve our charity)), and saying: ((Kkh Kkh)) said housing and said kha Peixrha with special characters such, a word of rebuke for Almstqdhirat boy, Hassan was a boy. However, the zakat, rich Fiqiarham Award This is the opinion of Shaykh al-Islam.

Zakat and happiness

Canadian researchers say that the acquisition of large sums of money does not make the man happier, though he felt happy Mayazz is spending money on others. A team of researchers at the University of British Columbia that spending any amount on others, even if only five dollars in a matter of happiness self.

This research confirms that the zakat is working on a self-recommendation and disinfected and raise the morale of the balance and give greater psychological boost to the individual to make it able to cope with the difficulties of life can be said that Zakat psychiatric treatment of the individual and social treatment of poverty.

Comparison of Zakat and taxes

Zakat is obligatory, but the tax imposed by Islamic law.

Zakat performed the worship of God and the individual footsteps from the torment of the Hereafter, and performed tax docility of the law even to Ayaaqb in the world.

Zakat can not evade its performance because God is watching the slaves, but tax evasion can be one of them.

Zakat up directly from the rich to the poor but has evaded taxes, including the rich and the poor are forced to pay.

Zakat performed by a Muslim future Taúa so they send the same happiness in the tax which is performed by the individual is forced under the influence of the law to increase the psychological pressure by increasing the risk of mental illness.

Money goes in tax increases while Zakat money and put the pond
Zakat can not transfer their burden to a person who is in charge of the institution because there is a regulatory calculation will you sign a punishment for those found doing so, it is hard economic thought in the idea of transferring the tax burden, which leads to the phenomenon of stagflation.
Taxes as the cost of production will contribute to inflation in the industry (increase the general level of prices), while the Zakat does not lead to serious economic disease.

The Zakat is taken from the rich while taxes on some of the above, the poor and unaffordable not rich. And thus the role of Zakat social and economic positive, while the tax (as is the case in the systems status) a negative role.

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