Some Mistakes that Students Commit
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Some Mistakes that Students Commit

Question :

I have noticed that some students take more food for their meal in the university cafeteria than what they paid for; for example, they will take five kinds of dishes, when they only paid for four. Also, I noticed that some students take newspapers and magazines from the student lounge to their rooms, despite the fact that they are placed there for everyone's benefit. What is the ruling in this matter?


Both actions are not permissible. The person who is eating extra is eating the wealth of others wrongfully, unless he pays the difference, the owner of the cafeteria gives permission (or whoever it is who pays or subsidizes for their food), or if that same owner is satisfied or accepts what that student did after he learned of it. This is because the right belongs to him. The second practice involves taking not what is his sole right, but a right that he shares with others. In the case of a magazine for example, there is not harm if there is a system whereby a student borrows the magazine and then returns it after al number of days for the next student's turn, since in this case it would be allowed.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Page 119

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 2