Basing Judgements upon Certainty is a Major Fundamental of the Religion
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Basing Judgements upon Certainty is a Major Fundamental of the Religion

Question :

I request an explanation of the Hadith:
No one should turn away from - or leave the prayer, unless he hears a sound or smells an odor.


This is an authentic Hadith and it is a principle of Islamic law, which is that of basing judgements upon certainty and disregarding doubts and suspicions, because when a person is sure that he is in a state of ritual purity, he remains in this state until it is invalidated by discharge of gas, urine or feces, and he does not pay any attention to suspicions and whisperings which come from Satan in order to confuse him, so that he finds his acts of worship wearisome and burdensome. If he feels some churning and movement in his stomach while he is in prayer, he should not leave the prayer, unless he is certain that there has been some discharge, through hearing a sound or smelling an odor.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 78-79

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings