Rulings about the prostration of recitation (SAJDATUT-TILAWAH)
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Rulings about the prostration of recitation (SAJDATUT-TILAWAH)

The Ruling on Sajdatut-Tilawah

Question :

If I recite a Verse in which there is a prostration, am I obliged to perform prostration or not?


Sajdatut-Tilawah is a confirmed Sunnah which should not be abandoned, so if a person comes to a Verse in which there is a prostration, he should prostrate, whether he is reading from the Book, or reciting by heart or in prayer or outside prayer. As for the obligation, it is not obligatory and a person does not commit a sin if he does not do it. This is because it has been authentically reported from the Commander of the Believers, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, that he recited a Verse of prostration in Surah An-Nahl from the pulpit, then he descended and prostrated, then he recited it on another Friday and he did not prostrate. Then he said: "Verily, Allah did not make the prostration incumbent upon us, except as we will." This occurred in the presence of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.

It has also been authentically reported that Zaid bin Thabit recited a Verse of prostration in Surah An-Najm for the Prophet and he did not prostrate, and if it had been obligatory, the Prophet would have ordered him to do so. Therefore it is a preferred Sunnah which is better not to neglect, even if it be during a time when it is forbidden to pray, such as after the Fajr prayer or after the 'Asr prayer for example. Because there is a reason for this Sajdah- and the same for every prayer there is a reason for it should be done, even if it be at a time when prayer is (normally) prohibited, as is the case with Sajdatut- Tilawah, Tahiyyatul-Masjid and the like..
Ibn 'Uthaimin

The Ruling on reciting the Verses of Prostration in the Quiet Prayers

Question :

What is the ruling on reciting a Verse in which there is a prostration in the quiet prayers, such as Zuhr prayer or 'Asr prayer?


It is disliked for the Imam to recite a Verse of prostration in the quiet prayers, because he has no alternative in that case but either to prostrate for it or not. If he does not do so, he is abandoning a Sunnah, and if he does so, he will cause confusion in the minds of the worshippers. Therefore, it is better to avoid the cause of such confusion. But if he does recite it, he should not prostrate, so as not to confuse the worshippers.
The Permanent Committee

Sajdatut-Tilawah is a Sunnah

Question :

If I come across a Verse in which there is a prostration when I am reciting the Qur'an at my desk, or when I am teaching the students, or in any place, should I perform Sajdatut-Tilawah, or not? And is the prostration for the reciter and the listener both?


Sajdatut-Tilawah is a Sunnah for the reciter and for the listener and it is not an obligation, nor is it prescribed for the listener except in following of the reciter. So if you recite a Verse in which there is a prostration in your office or the place of instruction, it is lawful for you to make prostration and it is prescribed for the students to prostrate with you, because they are the listeners. And if you do not observe the prostration, there is no objection.
Ibn Baz

Prostration after mentioning Allah's Names

Question :

Is it permissible for me to prostrate a fixed number of times after mentioning Allah's Names or one of His Names, or not?


We do not know of any evidence from the Book of Allah or the Sunnah of His Messenger to prove that it is lawful to do so, nor has it reached us that any of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah did so, and it has been authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah that he said:
"Whoever performs a deed which is not from this matter of ours, will have it rejected.
The Permanent Committee

The Ruling on reciting a Surah at the End of Which there is a Prostration in Prayer

Question :

If the Imam recited a Surah at the end of which there is a prostration, how can he prostrate at the bowing position?


It is permissible to recite a Surah at the end of which there is a prostration, such as Surah Al-'Alaq or An-Najm in prayer and he should prostrate upon completing it. Then when he stands up from the prostration, if he is the Imam, he should say the Takbir, and if he likes to add another Surah to his recitation, he should do so after the Takbir so that the those led in prayer may complete their prayer, then he should make the Takbir and then bow. If he is praying alone, he should make the Takbir, then stand and then bow, even if he does not complete the standing.
Ibn Jibreen

The Manner of Sajdatut-Tilawah

Question :

What is the manner of performing Sajdatut-Tilawah and how many Taslims should be recited therein?


Sajdatut-Tilawah is like the prostration of prayer, and it is preferred to stand straight, then go down into prostration on seven limbs (forehead and nose, hands, knees and toes), then say:

Transliteration :

Subhana Rabbial-A'la (Glorified be my Lord, the Most High) three times, then say: Allahumma, Innee Laka sajadtu wa bika amantu wa laka aslamtu, wa 'alaika tawakkaltu. Sajada wajheeya lillathee khalaqahu wa sawwarahu wa shaqqa sam'ahu wa hasrahu, bihawlihi wa quwwatihi, tabarak Allahu ahsanul khaliqeen.

Translation :

(O Allah! Verily, I have prostrated for You, believed in You, submitted to You and in You I have placed my faith and trust. My face has prostrated to the One Who created it and shaped it, created its hearing and its sight by His Power and Strength, Most Blessed be Allah, the Best of creators).

Transliteration :

Allahumma, uktub lee biha ajran wa dha' 'annee biha wizran waj'alha lee 'indaka thukhran wa taqabbalha minnee kama taqabbaltaha min 'abdika Dawud 'alaihi wa 'ala nabiyyina afdhalus-salati was-salam.»

Translation :

(O Allah! Write for me due to it a reward and remove for me due to it a sin, and make it a provision for me with You and accept it from me as You accepted it from Your servant, Dawud). upon him and upon our Prophet be the best of prayers and blessings.
Ibn Jibreen

The Ruling on saying the Takbir for Sajdatut-Tilawah

Question :

Is Takbir required for Sajdatut-Tilawah in prayer and outside it, and is it required to make the Taslim outside the prayer? I request an explanation, and may Allah grant you success.


Sajdatut-Tilawah is like prostration in prayer; and when one prostrates in prayer, at the time of prostration, he should say the Takbir, and when he straightens up, he should say the Takbir. The evidence for this is in the Hadith authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah in which it is said that he used to say the Takbir in prayer at every lowering (i.e. bowing and prostrating) and rising. When he prostrated, he said the Takbir and when he straightened up, he said the Takbir.

This is what we were informed by the Companions in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah and others. And this prostration is a prostration of the prayer; this is what is clear from the evidences. However, if one prostrated for Tilawah outside the prayer, no Takbir has been reported except at the beginning of it this is what is known, as narrated by Abu Dawud and Al- Hakim. As for saying it at the time of rising outside the prayer, neither Takbir nor Taslim have been reported. Some of the scholars have said: The Takbir should be made upon rising and the Taslim should be made also. But nothing has been reported to this effect, therefore, nothing is required of the worshipper except the first Takbir at time of prostration if it is outside the prayer. And through Allah is attained success.
Ibn Baz

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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