His Wife's Sister Despises Him
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

His Wife's Sister Despises Him

Question :

A man married a girl whose sister hates him, a sister who tried her best to stop her sister from marrying him. But Allah decreed the marriage to take place. The husband requested his wife to abstain from keeping any contact with her sister, to avoid any discord that might result from her meddling. The wife refused, arguing that if she did so she would be severing the ties of kinship which is against the legislation of the religion. Additionally the husband has insisted on her severing relations with her sister. May you be rewarded.


First, the man should be upright in his intention, objective, and actions. He must maintain the proper acts of worship and avoid anything that is unlawful as well as what might affect his good reputation or disgrace his sense of justice.

Second, he should treat his wife well, by taking all steps to make life easy and comfortable for her, while avoiding anything that might result in hatred and discord. If he does all of this, she will enjoy his company and love him; moreover, she will strongly reprimand anyone who speaks against him, regardless of whether it is her sister or it is somebody else. Thus he should not prevent her from visiting her sister, nor fear any events that would cause a separation or sense of hatred between them.

Rather she must keep her relations and not stay away from her relatives because of the strong warning against such behavior.
Perhaps this will help remove the hatred and rancor that is in her sister's heart. Furthermore, the wife should inform her sister of the husband's good and noble qualities. This might soften her heart or make her repent her ill judgement of his character. And may Allah guide us to what is right.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 353-354

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 139