Ruling on yellowish and brownish discharges that appear after the bleeding and before the purity
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Ruling on yellowish and brownish discharges that appear after the bleeding and before the purity

Yellowish and brownish discharges that appears after the bleeding and before purity is part of the menses, because of the report narrated by Malik in Al-Muwatta’ (130) from Umm `Alqamah, according to which she said: The women used to send to `Aishah the Mother of the Believers small vessels in which there was a cloth on which there was yellowish discharge from menstrual bleeding, asking her about prayer (i.e., whether they could resume praying), and she would say to them: Do not be hasty, until you see the white discharge – referring to purity which signals the end of the period. (Classed as authentic by Al-Albani in Irwa’ Al-Ghalil, no. 198) Also narrated by Al-Bukhari in a mu`allaq report: Kitab Al-Hayd, Bab Iqbal Al-Mahid wa Idbaruhu)

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings