Qunut in Prayer
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Qunut in Prayer

Question :

What is the ruling on regularly performing Qunut in the Fajr prayer? Likewise, Qunut in Witr? And what is the ruling on offering Witr prayer as three Rak'ahs, like Maghrib?


This question consists of two issues: The first issue is the question of Qunut in Fajr prayer; and in this matter there is a difference of opinion among scholars which has arisen due to the fact that it has been authentically reported from the Prophet that he recited Qunut, invoking Allah for a people or against a people. He called upon Allah for the weak and helpless among the believers in Makkah and he invoked Allah for a month against those who killed the Qur'an reciters from among his Companions.

And whoever looks attentively at the Sunnah of the Messenger will find that the correct saying in this matter is that there is no Qunut in the obligatory prayers, except when some disaster befalls the Muslims, or some incident occurs which requires them all to invoke Allah, the Almighty, the All- Powerful - in that case, Qunut should be recited. And it is clear from the evidences that Qunut is not specially recited in the Fajr prayer when some disaster occurs, rather, it is general for all of the prayers. Based upon this, if the Qunut is in the audible prayers, it should be recited aloud, while if it is in the quiet prayers, it should be said quietly.

It is our opinion that when any great calamity befalls, Qunut should be recited for it at the time, then if it becomes continuous, Qunut should be discontinued.

As for Qunut in Witr - and this is the second issue relating to this matter it is a Sunnah, but reciting it continuously is not a Sunnah. However, if a person recited Qunut occasionally, it is a good thing, because the Prophet taught it to his grandson, Al-Hasan bin 'Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with them both, but I am unaware that he used to make Qunut in his Witr.

As for the words of the questioner: "like Maghrib", this should not be said, because when a person offers a three-Rak'ah prayer as Witr, he chooses whether to pray it with two Taslims - that is, to pray two Rak'ahs and then make the Taslim, then pray the third alone or to offer it all together with one Tashahhud, followed by the Taslim. As for offering it with two Tashahhuds, this would cause it to resemble the Maghrib prayer and it has been reported that the Prophet prohibited this.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 300-301

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings