The Ruling on Renting a Store to Someone Who Uses it for unlawful Ends
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Renting a Store to Someone Who
Uses it for unlawful Ends

Question :

Is it permissible to rent out commercial space to someone who uses that space to sell cigarettes, music tapes, movies, or to someone who uses that space to run an interest-based bank?


The ruling for renting this type of store is known from Allah's saying:
"Help you one another in virtue, righteousness, and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression."

Therefore leasing stores for the above mentioned purposes is unlawful, because doing so is a form of helping one another in sin and transgression."

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 389-390

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings