None Of You Believes Until
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

None Of You Believes Until

Question :

Is the following Hadith authentic:
"None of you believes until his desires are in accordance with what I came with.


A group of scholars have graded it authentic while another group of scholars have graded it weak. The author of Al-Hujjah said: "A believer does not have complete faith until his desires are in harmony with what the Prophet came with. If one desires fornication, for example, or he desires to commit some act of disobedience, then his faith is incomplete. The same if he wishes to backbite or slander or if he actually does those sins."

So his faith will not be complete until his desires and inclinations are similar to what the Prophet came with. When he follows his desires and obeys the Shaytan, the level of his faith decreases, and this decrease may at times lead him to disbelief, such as when he desires to worship other than Allah, or when his desires lead him to mock or curse the religion, or when he deems lawful that which Allah has forbidden, thereby leading to disbelief and resulting in apostasy from the religion. And we ask Allâh to protect us.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 176-177

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings