Necessity Has Its Conditions
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Necessity Has Its Conditions

Question :

I am a young man; my father financially supports my brothers and me. He deals with interest-dealing banks, so am I allowed to take from his income, as I am a student? Am I allowed to marry or buy religious books from his money?


First make sure what kind of dealings he has with the bank. If he is merely depositing his money with the bank, without taking any interest, he is allowed to do so if necessary. If he works for them or borrows money from them on interest, then he is a usurer. Advise and warn him against this kind of dealing, and inform him about the evil consequences of dealing with interest, evil consequences in this world and in the next. If he repents, then he can keep what came before and his affair is with Allah. If he persists, however, or if he claims that what he is doing is not called interest, or even if he is not able to find any other work, try to eat from another source than his income. Or try to become independent of his wealth completely. If you are incapable of doing so, and if you are forced to stay and eat from his income, do so, but feel disgust for it, and seek a way out of your difficulties. The same applies to using his money to marry or to buy religious books. Necessity has certain rules. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 330-331

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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