My Mother is not able to perform Hajj - should I perform Hajj for her?

My Mother is not able to perform Hajj - should I perform Hajj for her?

Question :

I am a man who has a mother who is extremely old. She is approximately 70 years old and it is a natural thing with her that she cannot travel in cars, even if it is a short distance. If she rides in a car she becomes so ill that it causes her to lose consciousness, and she has not performed the obligation of Hajj. Is it permissible for me to perform Hajj for her from my own wealth, since I am her only son?


If the matter is like what has been mentioned, it is permissible for you to perform Hajj for your mother or for you to perform Hajj for her with your wealth. Rather, that is even more stressed upon you as an act of kindness and goodness to her, because she cannot perform the Hajj. Appointing someone else to perform Hajj in this situation is permissible. And success is from Allâh. May Allâh send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 72

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