May Children Touch The Mushaf?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

May Children Touch The Mushaf?

Question :

Is it permissible for children to touch the Mushaf?


Scholars differ concerning whether one who is in a state of minor impurity may touch the Mushaf. A group of scholars say that it is permissible, arguing that there is no clear proof to the contrary, and further arguing that the rule is the innocence of blame and lack of requirement, unless there is proof to the contrary.

Other scholars say that it is not lawful to touch the Mushaf unless one is in a state of purity. Their argument is based on a Hadith related by 'Amr bin Hazm, in which the Prophet ﷺ had the following sent to him:
"None touches the Qur'an except the pure, "

Purity here means free of minor impurities.

This latter opinion is better than the first, because even though purity (Taharah) encompasses both physical and spiritual purity, whenever the Shari'ah mentions purity, it is for the most part referring to one who is pure in both the physical and spiritual sense, and that is a Muslim.

Now what remains here is to discuss children: when they are learning the Qur'an, do they have to make ablution? Or are they exempt because as children, they are not responsible or held accountable for their actions? Again, scholars differ in this issue. Some say that no, he doesn't have to make ablution to touch the Mushaf, because he is not of age, meaning he is not held accountable for his actions. Others say that he does have to make ablution, and without a doubt this opinion is not only more conscientious, but there is an added benefit-children will learn to venerate Allah's Speech. If forcing children is difficult, then they may touch the Mushaf using an intermediary. instrument, a practice that is also permissible for someone who is not in a state of purity.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 40-41

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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