Nervous Disorders
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Nervous Disorders

Question :

A person I know is afflicted with a nervous disorder, one doctor described as being chronic. His illness has caused him many problems: He shouts at his parents, he is not on speaking terms with his relatives, and he is constantly anxious, nervous, and afraid. Is this person excused because of his illness both for his actions and for compulsory deeds, such as the prayer and the fast? What advice would you give to such a person?


As long as he is sane, he is not not exempted from any Shari'ah such a way that he has no control over his mind or actions, then in that case, he is excused. I advise him to supplicate to Allâh Almighty frequently, seek His forgiveness, and to seek refuge in Him from the accursed Shaytan thus if he becomes angry, perhaps Allah will remove his anger from him.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 307-308

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings