It is not Righteousness to Ask About the Origin of the Food
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

It is not Righteousness to Ask About the Origin of the Food

Question :

I have come to know something about the piety of the Imams in the matter of food, such as Imam Ash-Shafi'i, and Imam Ahmad, who refused to take the money of his son, who worked as a judge, because he was unsure about the money which his son would receive from the government. Since I learned this, I have refused to take any food except the food which I eat in my house from my father's money or that of whose origin I am aware. This has caused me some hardships, and I get very angry with brothers who insist that I eat, even if it is only a date. Often guests come to our house and they bring some fruit or any other edibles, and I refuse to eat from them. My refusal to eat them is not due to any certainty on my part that its origin is forbidden, but simply because I do not know the ruling of the Islamic Law. Is it a part of the Islamic Law for me to ask, if I am invited to eat food, about the origin of the money with which this food was purchased? And if I travel to another city to visit a relative or a friend, should I ask him about the origin of the food I am eating with him? If a gift is one of food, should I ask about the origin of the money with which he purchased it or not?


Asking about this is not from the guidance of Muhammad bin 'Abdullah, nor is it from the guidance of his Caliphs (i.e., successors) and his noble Companions may Allah be pleased with all of them. Because it will give rise to quarrelling, rancor and cutting of relations.

May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 327-328

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings