The Ruling on Staying Away From the Wife For More Than Two Years in Order to Seek a Living
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Staying Away From the Wife For More Than Two Years in Order to Seek a Living

Question :

it permissible for a man to stay away from his wife for more than two years, bearing in mind that he is abroad seeking his living? And what is the lawful period, in your opinion, during which a man must return to his wife and what is incumbent upon him in these circumstances?


What is incumbent upon the husband is to live with his wife in a reasonable manner, according to the Words of Allah, Most High:
"and live with them honourably."

And the right of living together is a right which is incumbent upon the husband to fulfill towards his wife, and upon the wife to fulfill towards her husband. Part of living together in a reasonable manner is that a man is not absent from his wife for an extended period of time. This is because it is her right to enjoy the intimate company of her husband, just as he enjoys her intimate company. But if she accepts his absence - even for a long period of time then that is her right, and there will be no sin on the husband. But that is under the condition that he has left her in a safe place where there is no fear for her safety. So if a man is absent in order to seek a living and his wife accepts that, then there is no sin upon him, even if he is absent for a period of two years or more. However, if she seeks the right of his presence, then the matter must be submitted to the Islamic Law Courts and whatever they decide must be acted upon.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 396- 397

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 6