Is it permissible for the Shepherds to break their Fast during Ramadhan?

Is it permissible for the Shepherds to break their Fast during Ramadhan?

Question :

Ramadhan enters during a time when it is hot some- times, and there are shepherds (owners) of camels and sheep, who cannot find a shepherd to hire. These shepherds suffer greatly from thirst. May they break their fast or not?


If the fasting person needs to break the fast during the day, and if he fears that if he does not break his fast he will die, he breaks his fast during the time of necessity. Then, after he partakes of what will keep him alive, he abstains (from eating, drinking, etc.) until night and after Ramadhan is over he makes up for this day in which he broke his fast. This is due to the generality of Allâh's Statement:
"Allah does not burden a soul except with what it can bear."

And the Statement of Allâh:
"Allah does not want to place any hardship on you."

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 288-289

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