I was Breast-fed With My Paternal Uncle's Daughter, Can I Marry Their Sisters?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

I was Breast-fed With My Paternal Uncle's Daughter, Can I Marry Their Sisters?

Question :

I am a young man who was breast-fed along with the eldest of my paternal uncle's daughters, and after her, other sisters were born, and she has now married. Is it permissible for me, or for one of my brothers to seek the hand of one of her sisters?


If your breast-feeding from the wife of your maternal uncle occurred five times or more during the first two years of your life, then all of your maternal uncle's daughters will be sisters to you and you may not marry any of them. As for your brothers who were not breast-fed by your maternal uncle's wife, there is no sin in them marrying the daughters of your maternal uncle, as long as your uncle's daughters were not. breast-fed by your brothers' mother, nor by your father's wife, nor by your sisters. In short, there is no sin on your brothers if they marry the daughters of your maternal uncle, as long as there is no foster relationship between them which would prohibit it. As for your having been breast-fed by the wife of your maternal uncle, that is particular for you and it does not necessitate prohibition of your uncle's daughters to your brothers. And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Page 238

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings