It is permissible for the Woman to pray the Funeral Prayer
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

It is permissible for the Woman to pray the Funeral Prayer

Question :

Is it permissible for the woman to participate along with the men in the funeral prayer over the deceased?


The basic principle concerning the acts of worship that Allâh legislated in His Book and that the Messenger of Allâh explained in his Sunnah is that they are generally inclusive for the males and the females. This is the case unless there is some evidence that proves that something is specific for males or females. The funeral prayer is from the acts of worship that Allah and His Messenger legislated, and the instructions concerning its performance is addressed to both men and the women. However, it is more likely that men carry out its performance, as the women usually stay in their homes. For this reason, if it happens that no one attends the funeral prayer except women, they pray over the deceased and fulfill the obligation concerning it. It is confirmed that 'A'ishah commanded for Sa'd bin Abu Waqqas to be brought so that she could pray over him, and it is not known that anyone of the Companions objected to her doing that. This proves that the woman may participate with the men in the prayer over the deceased or other than it (of prayers) with the men. The rows of the women should be behind the rows of the men. It is also confirmed that the women prayed over the Prophet just as the men prayed over him. However, the women do not go out with the funeral processions for burial, as the Prophet prohibited that.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 62-63

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings