I have a Friend Who does not pray or fast; should I keep relations with Him or not?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

I have a Friend Who does not pray or fast; should I keep relations with Him or not?

Question :

I have a friend who is very dear to me and I love him very much, but this friend does not perform the prayers incumbent upon him, nor does he fast the month of Ramadhan. I have advised him, but he does not accept my advice. Should I keep relations with him or not?


This man and his like should be hated and opposed for Allah's sake until such time as he turns in repentance to Allah. Because abandoning prayer is an act of major disbelief, according to the most authoritative of two opinions held by the scholars, based upon the words of the Prophet:
Between a servant and disbelief and Shirk is abanondoning the prayer.

This was recorded by Muslim in his Sahih. He also said:
"The covenant which is between us and them is the prayer, and whoever abandoned it, has disbelieved.

The Hadiths carrying this meaning are numerous. As for his abandoning the fast of Ramadhan without any lawful excuse, such as illness or travel, you should hate him for Allah's sake and avoid him, until such time as he turns in repentance to Allah, the Most Glorified. And it is incumbent upon those in charge of the affairs of the Muslims to call on anyone who is known to have abandoned prayer to repent; and if he does not repent, he should be killed, according to the Words of Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful:
But if they repent and perform As-Salah (Iqamatus-Salat) and pay Zakah, then leave their way free.

This proves that whoever did not pray is not immune from being killed, and the legal evidences from the Qur'an and Sunnah prove that it is an obligation upon those in authority to execute the one who does not pray if, if he does not turn to Allah in repentance. We ask Allah to bring your companion back to repentance and to guide him to the Straight Path.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 358

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings