He was in doubt and He did not prostrate for forgetfulness
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

He was in doubt and He did not prostrate for forgetfulness

Question :

If I was in doubt regarding the prayer and I did not prostrate for forgetfulness, is my prayer invalid due to my not performing the prostration of forgetfulness, bearing in mind that I purposely did not prostrate, due to the fact that I am often in doubt?


It is not permissible to pay any heed to frequent doubts in prayer; instead, the worshipper should complete his prayer according to the original premise (i.e. that the prayer is correct) and there is no requirement for him to make the prostration of forgetfulness, even if he forgets or experiences whispering, for which of us does not forget or experience whispering in prayer?

If he leaves out an obligatory act, or is in doubt whether he performed it or not, or he does something extra, or does not complete an obligatory act due to forgetfulness, then he must perform the prostration of forgetfulness, as it has been explained in the books of Fiqh.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 278-279

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings