He Was Entrusted With Money, And He Took It
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

He Was Entrusted With Money, And He Took It

Question :

Some generous people, who wanted to build a high school, entrusted me with money that they allocated for that purpose. During the period of construction, I needed money: I was building my own home at the same time. But before the school project had been completed, I went before a council that was representing the school; I gave them a large donation, claiming that a generous lady who preferred to remain anonymous gave it, yet in reality, I was giving them back the money I had taken earlier. I was too shy to admit to them what really happened. Is there a sin upon me even though I returned the money? And if so, how can I repent?


Regardless of the charity that the money is designated for, it is prohibited for a person who is entrusted with money to use that money for himself; rather, he must keep it in a safe place and spend it only for that charity.

You must repent for what you did and you must repent for the lie that you uttered after having violated the trust that was given to you. Whoever repents sincerely, Allah Almighty forgives him, for He Almighty says:
"O you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance!

"And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful."

Your repentance, however, must meet certain conditions:

1) You must refrain from the sin.

2) You must feel remorse for having perpetrated that sin.

3) You must make a firm resolve never to return to that sin, fearing Allâh's punishment, seeking His forgiveness, and glorifying His mightiness.

If you have transgressed against the rights of a human being, there is a fourth condition that you must meet: you must make redress for the transgression, by returning what you wrongfully took, or by gaining the pardon of the person whom you wronged. If, however, you had wronged somebody by maligning them behind their back, and if you are afraid that, by telling that person what you had said about them, a greater harm will result, you may refrain from informing him, but you must do the following:

1) Pray for that person.

2) Ask Allah Almighty to forgive him.

3) Mention his good qualities behind his back to make up for times you spoke ill of him.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 256-257

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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