He intended to perform Three Rak'ahs as Witr, but then He wished to pray more
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

He intended to perform Three Rak'ahs as Witr, but then He wished to pray more

Question :

A person intended to pray three Rakahs as War, but during the prayer, he wanted to pray more Rak'ahs is it permissible for him to do so? And is it permissible to pray Tahiyyatul-Masjid after the Athan?


It is the Sunnah to offer Witr prayer as three Rak'ahs with two Taslims, and if a person wished to pray more than three, it is preferred to pray eleven, making the Taslim after every two Rak'ahs. So if a person intended to offer three Rak'ahs, but after the (opening) Takbir he wished to pray more, it would be permissible; even if he were in the third Rak'ah and then he decided to offer a fourth, then pray Witr after it, there is no problem in that, Allah willing.

As for Tahiyyatul-Masjid, it is permissible to pray it after the Athan and it suffices in place of the regular Sunnah prayer which is prescribed before the obligatory prayer.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 303

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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