He died while having a Day of Ramadhan due on him that he did not make up for

He died while having a Day of Ramadhan due on him that he did not make up for

Question :

My son reached the age of 18 years and he died five days ago. There was one day of fasting due on him that he did not fast during Ramadhan, which was the first day. He fasted all of the days following that day. So, what is the ruling in this situation, knowing that he did not make up for that day and the doctor advised him not to fast at all so that the bone could heal and he needed quality nourishment? May Allah reward you with good and may peace be upon you.


If the situation is like what has been mentioned that your son was injured in a car accident, and due to that he did not fast a day of Ramadhan, as he lacked the ability to fast, and he died before being able to make up for it - nothing is due on him. Also, nothing is due on his guardians - not making up for the fast, nor any ransom (of giving food). This is due to the Statement of Allâh, the Most High:
"Allah does not burden a soul except with what it can bear."

May Allâh send blessings upon Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 306-307

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