The Conditions for the correctness of a Child's Fast

The Conditions for the correctness of a Child's Fast

Question :

What are the conditions for the correctness of a child's fast ? is it true that his fast is for his parents?


It is legislated for the parents to accustom their children to fasting when they are young if they are able to do so, even if they are younger than 10 years old. If one of them reaches the age of puberty, they must force him to fast. If the child fasts before the age of puberty, then he must avoid everything that corrupts the fast just like the adult. This includes eating and similar things. He (the child) gets reward for this (fasting) and so do his parents.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 328-329

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